The Shadnagar police have booked a case against Amravathi MP Navneet Kaur Rana for violating Model Code of Conduct (MCC) rules during her campaign for the Mahabubnagar Lok Sabha segment for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
Navneet Kaur was campaigning for BJP Lok Sabha candidate Aruna in Shadnagar, where she violated the rules. A complaint was lodged by Flying Squad officials of the Election Commission, based on which a case was booked at Shadnagar police station.
She also caused a furore during a meeting where she targeted the AIMIM and said that if given 15 seconds, she would ensure both Owaisi brothers “disappear.” Navneet Rana made the statement in Hyderabad while campaigning for the party’s Hyderabad Lok Sabha candidate Madhavi Latha on Wednesday, a day earlier.
Referring to AIMIM leader Akbaruddin Owaisi’s speech at Nirmal in Telangana in 2012, in which he said that if police were removed for 15 minutes, his community would show 100 crore Hindus what it could do, Rana said, “Akbaruddin said remove the police for 15 minutes so they can show what they can do… I say, it may take you 15 minutes, but it will take us only 15 seconds.”
Rana was campaigning along with several BJP leaders on May 8 when she made this statement. Responding to her statements, AIMIM president Asaduddin Owaisi said, “I am telling Modi ji, give her 15 seconds. What will you do? Give her 15 seconds, give her one hour. We also want to see if you have any humanity left in you. Who is scared? We are all ready. If someone is making open calls like this, let it be so. PM is yours, RSS is yours, everything is yours. Do it. Who is stopping you? Tell us where we have to come, we will be there, do it.”