Mumbai: In a surprising turn of events on the popular reality show Bigg Boss 17, contestants Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain have found themselves in hot water due to a secret phone call controversy. The couple, who has garnered immense popularity among the viewers for their strong presence, is now facing the possibility of eviction from the show. Yes, you read that right!
Ankita, Vicky Break Bigg Boss 17 Rules?
In a recent promo shared by the makers, Salman Khan is seen talking about Vicky Jain’s pre-show phone conversation with his fellow contestant Neil Bhatt. Salman Khan questions the housemates about adhering to the terms and conditions of the show’s contract, specifically inquiring about their pre-entry interactions. Vicky admits to having spoken to Neil just two days before entering the Bigg Boss house.
This revelation leads Salman to inquire if Ankita Lokhande was aware of Vicky’s conversation with Neil, to which she responds that she found out about it later. As the conversation unfolds, another contestant, Sana Raees Khan, explains that Viacom, the show’s producers, possess the authority to potentially eliminate or discontinue the participation of the couple due to this breach.
This unexpected development has left the fans of Ankita and Vicky shocked, eagerly awaiting the decision of the show’s makers on whether the couple will face elimination in the upcoming episode. Let’s wait and see.
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