Mumbai: India’s most loved reality show Bigg Boss 16 has been entertaining the TV audience for nearly 9 weeks now. After Golden Guy’s entry in the house, 14 contestants are currently locked in the Salman Khan-hosted show. Every day, fans wait impatiently for the clock to tick 10 to watch their favourite show. But, wait for Weekend Ka Vaar episodes with Bhaijaan is another level. The Shanivaar Ka Vaar and Ravivaar Ka Vaar episodes used to air on 9:30 pm.
However, from this week, Salman Khan is going to meet the viewers and the contestants on a different time. In a latest promo, the Bollywood superstar has announced the change in timing of the weekend episodes. It will now air half an earlier than its usual time.
Bigg Boss 16’s episodes Monday to Friday will continue to air at 10 pm. Weekend Ka Vaar episodes – Saturday and Sunday – will air at 9 pm. Watch the promo here.
Meanwhile, contestants who got nominated for this week’s elimination round are — Sumbul Touqeer Khan, Shiv Thakare, Shalin Bhanot, Tina Datta, Sajid Khan, MC Stan and Priyanka Chahar Choudhary.
Which contestant do you think will get evicted from Bigg Boss 16 next? Comment below.