Hyderabad: Megastar Chiranjeevi has come under fire after a video surfaced on social media, showing him pushing an airline employee who approached him for a selfie. The video captures Chiranjeevi exiting an elevator with his wife, Surekha, when the incident occurred. Initially, Chiranjeevi appears to ignore the employee’s request for a photo, but when the individual tries again, the actor is seen pushing him away, sparking widespread criticism.
The video, which is from RGIA airport, quickly gained traction online, drawing attention from fans and the public. Many expressed disappointment in Chiranjeevi’s actions, while others defended the actor, suggesting that celebrities also need personal space and moments of privacy.
This incident is a similar situation involving actor Nagarjuna, who apologized a few months ago after his bodyguard pushed a specially-abled fan at an airport. In that case, Nagarjuna claimed he was unaware of the incident at the time but later met with the fan and posed for a photo outside the airport, which helped mend the situation.
Meanwhile, Chiranjeevi and his family were recently spotted heading to Paris to attend the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics. The actor was accompanied by his wife, Surekha, son Ram Charan, daughter-in-law Upasana, and granddaughter Klin Kaara. The family’s trip to Paris has been widely covered, highlighting their participation in this significant international event.