Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP from Bengaluru South Tejasvi Surya made multiple inflammatory remarks against Muslims and claimed if the Congress party came to power, they would give a “free certificate to the Muslims to kill cows.”
Surya made these remarks while giving a speech during an election campaign rally in the Sonia Vihar area of East Delhi on May 12.
Surya who has a long history of making controversial and inflammatory statements that border on hate speech said the opposition party Congress is giving preferential consideration to Muslims and has documented in their manifesto that if Congress comes into power they will provide legal support to Muslims to implement Sharia law (Muslim personal law).
“Congress party will put burkhas on all the sisters sitting here if they come to power. In their manifesto, Congress has clearly stated in black and white that they will introduce sharia law in the country… Congress will not back down from establishing Sharia throughout the nation if you vote for them,” Surya stated.
BJP MP has not been involved only in peddling hate speeches against minorities, especially Muslims. Still, he also has a record of rumour-mongering and publishing defamatory posts on social media with impunity.
Pertinently, his claims of a “bed scam” in Bengaluru during COVID-19 took a communal turn. Moreover, his remarks linking the Rameshwaram Cafe blast to people from Tamil Nadu were found to be factually wrong.