Amaravati: Active cases in Andhra Pradesh mounted to 93,305 with the daily infection positivity rate crossing 35 per cent, as the State registered 14,502 fresh cases of Covid-19 in the 24 hours ending 9 am on Monday.
The State had recorded 14,440 new infections yesterday.
According to the latest bulletin, seven more fatalities were reported, while 4,800 infected persons got cured in the 24 hours.
The cumulative case count increased to 21,95,136, while recoveries touched 20,87,282 and deaths 14,549.
West Godavari district reported two more coronavirus deaths and Guntur, Kurnool, Srikakulam, SPS Nellore and Visakhapatnam one each in a day.
Visakhapatnam district registered 1,728, Anantapuramu 1,610, Prakasam 1,597, Kurnool 1,551, Kadapa 1,492, and SPS Nellore 1,198 fresh cases.
The remaining seven districts added less than 950 new cases each.