Mumbai: Bollywood actress Suhani Bhatnagar, who starred in the blockbuster movie Dangal, passed away on Saturday in Delhi. She was only 19. She played the role of young Babita Phogat in Aamir Khan’s movie.
According to media reports, Suhani fractured her leg some time ago. The medications she took during treatment had a side effect on her and reportedly, her body began to accumulate fluid. Suhani was admitted to AIIMS hospital in Delhi for quite some time for treatment.
Her last rites will take place in Faridabad on Saturday.
Who Was Suhani Bhatnagar?
Suhani Bhatnagar made her big screen debut with Dangal in 2016 and she was praised for her performance in the movie. After that, she featured in a couple of TV commercials. Suhani later took a break from acting and she wanted to concentrate on her studies.
She has 21.5K followers on Instagram where she was not very active. Her last post was from November 2021. In her last post, she shared a few sun-kissed selfies and wrote in the caption, “November??”