Mumbai: Actor Deepika Padukone has attained several milestones and successes. Aside from astounding people with her cinematic creativity, the actress also achieved her entrepreneurial goals with her self-care brand, 82°E.
Now, taking it to new heights, Deepika’s self-care brand has entered into a strategic partnership with ‘s cutting-edge beauty platform, Tira.
This collaboration marks a significant expansion from 82°E’s successful D2C model to a first-time retail experience in the country through an online and offline presence.
Through this collaboration, 82°E will continue its objective to make self-care an easy, enjoyable, and effective part of everyday life for the Tira community.
After a year of promoting Simplified Skincare (Cleanse – Hydrate – Protect), demonstrating product effectiveness, and cultivating a strong, devoted community in India and throughout the world, 82°E is now set for rapid expansion through this revolutionary relationship with Tira
82°E is expanding its reach by making its popular Skincare, Body Care, and Men’s range, featuring best-selling products like Ashwagandha Bounce, Lotus Splash, and Turmeric Shield, available on TIRA. 82°E products, previously accessible through the D2C platform, will now extend their reach to the TIRA platform, marking their offline debut at handpicked TIRA stores in select markets across North, West, and South India, as per the press release from Reliance Retail’s Tira.
This collaboration intends to make luxury skincare products more accessible to a broader audience by combining Co-founder Deepika Padukone’s holistic health vision and Reliance Retail’s enormous offline and online network and technical capabilities.
This partnership aims to democratise access to premium skincare products for a more diverse audience by harnessing Co-founder Deepika Padukone’s holistic wellness vision and leveraging Reliance Retail’s extensive offline and online network and technological capabilities.
Commenting on the collaboration, Isha M Ambani, Executive Director, of Reliance Retail Ventures Limited, stated, “We are excited to partner with 82°E, a brandrenowned for its commitment to self-care and holistic wellness. This collaboration takes forward TIRA’s vision to bring accessible yet aspirational beauty to every Indian and allows us to provide our customers with access to a range of premium skincare products. Together, we aim to elevate the self-careexperience for consumers everywhere, introducing 82°E products to offline retail for the very first time.”
Speaking about the partnership, Deepika Padukone, Co-Founder, of 82°E, said, “We’re thrilled to announce that 82°E is now on TIRA, Online and In-Stores. This collaboration is an outcome of our shared values: to Simplify Skincare and to make Self-Care an effective and enjoyable part of our everyday lives.
Through TIRA’s Online and Offline platforms, we are excited to bring 82°E’s Bestsellers, Award-Winning Formulations, along with the best of 82°E Skincare, 82°E Body Care, and 82°E Man to our consumers across the country.”