In an shocking incident, a man, believed to be a leader of right-wing group Bajrang Dal threatened to throw Muslims out of the country. The remarks were made during a protest called by VHP in the aftermath of Nuh violence.
In a viral video, a man standing on a barricade outside west Delhi’s Nangloi police station protest is seen delivering a hate speech against the Muslim community. could not independently authenticate the video which surfaced on Tuesday, August 2.
In the video, the man is seen leading a crowd outside the Nangloi police station gate and raising slogans against the Muslim community, and asking the people to boycott them. “Hindu hitoñ ka khanan hua to Khoon bahega Sadkoñ pe (blood will flow on the streets),” the man can be heard sloganeering.
“Raise your hands and tell me will you boycott vendors, barbershops belonging to Muslim community? Those living on rent in our area, who are Islamic and fundamentalist, we will throw them out,” he says.
The video sparked outrage and netizens started raising questions about ‘the silence of police whose sign board is unambiguously visible in the clip’.
Delhi Commission for Women chief, Swati Maliwal, also took to Twitter to highlighted the incident. “So far Manipur and Haryana have been victims of violence, now will Delhi be allowed to become a victim too? On one hand, the police are saying that if someone does something wrong, they will take action. This video is viral since yesterday. Did the police check this video?” she tweeted.
Similarly, many prominent journalists and activists also shared the clip and questioned the police over the alleged inaction.
“Standing just outside the Nangloi police station, a hate speech is being given to “shed blood on the streets.” There is talk of making Muslims vacate their shops and boycotting them. These goons have a free hand from the police,” Meer Faisal, a Journalist, tweeted.
On July 29, a group of people who were part of the Muharram processions reportedly clashed with police after they were stopped from changing the designated route in west Delhi’s Nangloi , officials said.
Several policemen were killed in the incident, and police resorted to lathicharge to disperse the “unruly crowd”, they added.
Despite repeated attempted, Nangloi police officers could not be availed for their comments on the issue. This article will be updated when their response arrives.