Ever wondered why a pillar stands on Mount Arafat?

Mount Arafat is also called Mount of Mercy (Jabal ar-Rahmah).

The Mount of Arafat located at Islam’s holiest place, Makkah is clearly distinguished by a tall pillar installed on top of it. The pillar has a blue base and white topping.

But why is there a pillar on the Arafat? Here are four possible reasons.

Pillar on Mount Arafat

  • There is a belief among Muslims that this is the exact place where Prophet Muhammad delivered his last sermon, which has great importance in Islam.
  • There is another religious belief among Muslims that Prophet Adam and his wife Hawa, the first people on the Earth, met at the very spot.
  • However, another reason behind this is that the Haj management of Saudi Arabia has installed the pillar on top of the Mount so the pilgrims can easily detect the exact final destination from far away. Visiting Arafat once during Haj rituals is compulsory.
  • Another belief is that it is the same place where Adam and Hawa repented and were forgiven for their sin of disobeying Allah.

Mount Arafat is also called Mount of Mercy (Jabal ar-Rahmah).

MS Education Academy

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