New Delhi: The Delhi Police has directed its personnel to ensure strict vigil at the Tikri, Singhu and the Ghazipur borders, and railway and metro stations and bus stands after protesting farmers announced that they would reach Delhi for their protest on Wednesday.
The Kisan Mazdoor Morcha and the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (Non-Political), the two umbrella bodies that are spearheading the farmer’s agitation, on March 3 gave a call to farmers from across the country to reach Delhi on Wednesday.
“We had temporally removed barriers for commuters at the Singhu and the Tikri borders. The deployment of police and paramilitary personnel is still there and (they) will ensure strict, round-the-clock vigil,” a senior police officer said.
The officer further said that additional police and paramilitary forces have already been deployed at railway and metro stations and bus stands.
“No one will be allowed to breach the law,” the officer said.
The police said checking will be intensified at different locations and there may be traffic congestion in the city.
Farmer leaders Sarwan Singh Pandher and Jagjit Singh Dallewal on March 3 gave a call to farmers across the nation to reach Delhi on Wednesday for a protest. They also called for a four-hour countrywide rail roko on March 10 in support of their various demands, including a legal guarantee on minimum support price for crops.
He said the sacrifice of a farmer will not go in vain and the struggle will continue until the demands are met.
The protesting farmers have been staying put at the Shambhu and the Khanauri border points between Punjab and Haryana after their “Delhi Chalo” march was stopped by security forces.
They began their march on February 13 but were stopped by the security forces, which led to clashes at the border of Haryana and Punjab.