Hyderabad: The Additional Sessions Judge Raghuveer Patel at Bhopal on Friday has sent 10 alleged members of Hizb-ut-Tahrir (HuT) to ATS custody til May 24. The three arrested from Hyderabad Mohammed Saleem, Mohammed Abbas, Abul Rahman were also remanded to police custody for five more days.
On May 9, a joint operation of Madhya Pradesh ATS and Central Intelligence Bureau (IB) was carried out in Chhindwara Bhopal and in Hyderabad during which 16 suspects had alleged links with Hizb-ut-Tahrir (HuT). Among them five Mohammed Saleem, Abdur Rehman,Mohammed Abbas Ali,Shaik Junaid and Mohammed Hameed were arrested from Hyderabad.
The Madhya Pradesh police have claimed that the arrested were working clandestinely for the radical outfit Hizb-ut-Tahrir and the local court has sent all the arrested suspects to ATS custody till May 19.
In recent times those arrested from Hyderabad were brought to the city by ATS and Commando CTG team for further investigation. The MP police have seized certain incriminating material from their possession and also raided a private shooting academy in Golconda area where the suspects have carried out practice with air pistols.
After the completion of ten day police custody, the ATS on Friday produced the arrested persons before Additional Sessions Judge, on which 10 suspects Yasir Khan, Syed Sami Rizvi, Danish Ali, Mohd Alam, Khalid Hussain, Mohd Hameed, Mohd Abbas, Abul Rahman, Junaid and Salim have been sent to police remand till May 24.