Hyderabad: Heavy police deployment was made at Hasmathpet under the Alwal police station limits (of the Cyberabad police) following a near clash between Hindus and Muslim on Monday evening, after the BJP’s youth wing held a rally in support of ex-party spokesperson Nupur Sharma.
Trouble started around 7.30 pm when workers of the Bhartiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM) took out a rally in support of suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma in Hashmathpet – a minority dominated area – located at the border of Bowenpally and Alwal police station limits in Secunderabad.
The group was carrying posters of ‘We support Nupur Sharma’, and raised slogans praising her. On noticing it, Muslims then gathered on the road and raised slogans denouncing Nupur Sharma, who had insulted the Prophet Mohammed in a TV debate.
Soon, as the crowd swelled, the Bowenpally and Alwal police rushed to the spot and dispersed the gathering. Police reinforcements were rushed to the spot and senior police officials later visited and reviewed the situation after the rally supporting Nupur Sharma was first held.
The Hyderabad and Cyberabad police officials immediately forced the shopkeepers to close down their establishments as a precautionary measure and increased the patrolling in the area. Police pickets have also been deployed at sensitive locations in and around Alwal as a precautionary measure. One person was also reportedly taken into custody for organizing the rally without permission.
Unconfirmed local media reports also said that a few persons pelted stones to worsen the situation. However, the reaction to the BJYM’s rally was calm, which ultimately helped in preventing a major flare up. Nupur Sharma and another spokesperson of the BJP were both suspended for their remarks, which led to over two dozen Muslim nations taking strong objections, resulting in international diplomatic disasters for the central government.