Hyderabad: DCA raids unauthorised medical device store in Secunderabad

DCA officers seized stocks of nebulizers and steam sterilizers worth Rs. 6.5 lakhs during the raid.

Hyderabad: Officials of the Drugs Control Administration (DCA) Telangana raided the premises of a dealer and seized medicines from there as it was operating without the necessary licenses. Gunda Maheshwara Murthy, who was operating a firm named ‘MS Medical Systems’ at Secunderabad was found to be running the store without any authorisation.

The raid was conducted by DCA officials on Thursday, March 8. During the raids by officers of the DCA’s Secunderabad zone detected substantial stocks of ‘nebulizers’ and ‘steam sterilizers’ at the premises of MS Medical Systems. Both nebulizers and steam sterilizers are classified as ‘Medical Devices’ according to the Medical Devices Rules of 2017 and were hence seized.

As per the Medical Devices Rules, 2017, it is mandatory for any entity engaged in the sale of medical devices to obtain a license organized registration certificate from the Drugs Control Administration, Telangana.

Hyderabad Institute of Excellence

DCA officers seized stocks of nebulizers and steam sterilizers worth Rs. 6.5 lakhs during the raid.

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