Hyderabad: The Drugs Control Administration (DCA) on Saturday, January 20, busted a pharmacy with a fake drug license in Malakpet and seized huge stocks of medicines worth Rs. 10 lakhs.
As per reports, Iswarya Fertility Center, which is running a pharmacy under the name of ‘Iswarya Fertility Services Pvt. Ltd.’, presented a forged drug license to the DCA officials.
The DCA said that the Head of Administration of Iswarya Fertility Center, Anil Bodasu, submitted a license document to the DCA officials. However, following the verification of the license on the DCA Telangana drug license database, it was verified as a falsified document. Moreover, the details of the pharmacist were also found to be fake.
During the raid, DCA officials detected a huge stock of medicines in the pharmacy, which included sex hormone drugs like estradiol tablets, progesterone capsules, other hormone injections, steroid injections, antiulcer drugs, antibiotics, etc.