Hyderabad gears up for Geminid meteor shower – Know how, where to watch it

At its peak between 2 and 3 am on December 15, 100-150 meteors per hour will be approaching the Earth

Hyderabad: Hyderabad residents are gearing up for another celestial event Geminid meteor shower that is scheduled to be held on December 14 and 15, 2022.

The event is considered one of the biggest meteor showers of the year. This year, at its peak between 2 and 3 am on December 15, 100-150 meteors per hour will be approaching the Earth.

How to watch Geminid meteor shower in Hyderabad

Those who want to catch the glimpse of the Geminid meteor shower in Hyderabad can watch the celestial event with their naked eyes.

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Though no special device is needed to watch the celestial event, it needs patience. The best way to watch the event is by looking at the sky after lying down on the ground.

They can also take the help of an interactive meteor shower sky map or the table (click here) to find the direction of the radiant.

What is Geminid meteor shower?

It is a celestial event that occurs when Earth passes through the dusty trail left behind by the meteor 3200 Phaethon.

During the event, some of the meteoroids that are left by the meteor are burned in Earth’s upper atmosphere.

It is not the last celestial event of the year as three more events are lined up. They are ‘Mercury in the Sky’ on December 21, ‘Ursid meteor showers’ on December 22-23, and the new Moon on December 23.

Is it the only meteor shower?

No, the Geminid meteor shower is not the only meteor shower. There exist many other meteor showers.

They include Quadrantids, Alpha Centaurids, June Bootids, September Epsilon Perseids, Draconids, Orionids, November Orionids, etc.

They appear to radiate from a certain position in the Sky and occur at approximately the same dates every year.

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