Hyderabad: The Railway Protection Force (RPF) of South Central Railways (SCR), during the month of January held 60 offenders and recovered stolen property worth Rs 39.8 lakhs while registering 50 cases against them.
In view of railway protection, the RPF personnel during the month also provided help in retrieving more than 209 belongings of passengers valued at more than Rs 49.3 lakh, said their press release.
Under ‘Operation NARCOS’, the force confiscated ganja valued at more than Rs 32.5 lakh with the arrest of seven persons in January.
In the context of saving children as a part of their ‘Operation Nanhe parinde’, the RPF has identified and rescued 82 children (69 boys and 13 girls), in need of care and protected those lost or separated from their families owing to various reasons.
Acting against human trafficking under ‘Operation AAHT’, 18 boys were rescued from six traffickers followed by their arrest, in addition to seizing liquor that was being transported illegally.
The RPF officials in January further registered 13 cases and arrested 13 touts while seizing 106 live tickets valued at Rs 17.08 lakhs from them, in order to curb the activities of touts and make railway tickets available to the common man, under ‘Operation Upalabdh’.