Hyderabad: The Raidurgam police arrested two brothers who were allegedly involved in bike theft cases on Tuesday. The police have recovered 16 Bajaj Pulsar bikes and an Activa.
They have been identified as residents of Tolichowki, Chakali Naveen, 25, and Chakali Praveen, 22.
According to the police, the brothers, who had previously worked for a vehicle finance company, had gathered information on vehicle owners who had failed to pay their loans.
“They would go to the vehicle owner’s home and collect the vehicle.” The owners would assume that the car had been taken away by vehicle recovery agents since the loan hadn’t been repaid. According to Madhapur DCP K Shilpavalli, the owner did not file a police report in six cases.
The brothers created a No Objection Certificate (NOC) and started looking for purchasers after stealing the vehicles.
They were both arrested during a vehicle check at the Raidurgam police station.