Hyderabad: Urdu Job Mela by MANUU to be held online from Feb 4

Hyderabad: The first Telangana Urdu Job Mela will now be conducted in online mode from February 04, 2022, 11.00 am onwards by Maulana Azad National Urdu University. The job mela which was supposed to be held on January 06, 2022, on the university campus was postponed in view of precautionary measures announced by the government of Telangana to control the spread of Covid 19.

According to Dr Mohammed Yousuf Khan, Incharge, Training and Placement Cell, all those who have registered for the Job Mela are hereby informed to be available online for their interviews pertaining to their recruitment by the various companies.

The registered candidates must submit the filled-in proforma and undertakings to the email jobmelaurdumanuusetwin@gmail.com on or before February 03, 2022. The proforma and undertaking will be sent to the registered candidates through email.

Hyderabad Institute of Excellence

The Job Mela is being organized jointly by Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU), Telangana State Urdu Academy, Setwin Security & Man Power Services and TS Hyderabad Weaker Section Development and Weaker Society.

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