Mumbai: And the wait is finally over! One of the most-awaited reality shows, Bigg Boss OTT 3, is all set to arrive on June 21, as per the latest update by makers. Taking to Jio Cinema’s official Instagram page, BB OTT 3 makers finally unveiled the host Anil Kapoor’s face and also shared the premiere date.
“Presenting ‘Anil Kapoor’ as the new host for Bigg Boss OTT 3!!! From reigning on the big screen to now ruling the Bigg Boss house, Anil Kapoor is kuch extra khaas! Witness his magic in #BiggBossOTT3 starting 21 June, exclusively on JioCinema Premium,” the official post’s caption read.
Bigg Boss OTT 3: Subscribers to Play a Key Role
Exciting news for Bigg Boss fans! According to a recent tweet by BiggBoss_Tak, subscribers of the OTT platform Jio Cinema Premium will play a major role in Bigg Boss OTT 3.
When the show launches, each contestant will need approval from a maximum number of subscribers to get the green flag for entry into the house. This new twist means that fans will have a direct influence on who gets to participate in the show.
This intriguing development is sure to add a fresh dynamic to the series. Stay tuned for more updates as the show gets started!