Karnataka woman electrocuted while helping son to get onto school bus

Police investigations reveal that a live wire was hanging near the bus. It came in contact with the bus when the vehicle drove towards the bus stop.

A young woman was electrocuted while trying to help her son get onto the school bus in Karnataka’s Kalburi district.

Due to the massic jolt, the 34-year-old woman Bhagyashree collapsed, immediately falling forward and multiple sparks emitting from her body.

As people try to help her and her little son, they move backwards after seeing the sparks. One of the men who approached Bhagyashree moved away after a massive spark.

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The school bus moved forward and Bhagyashree and her child were immediately rushed to the hospital.

Police investigations reveal that a live wire was hanging near the bus. It came in contact with the bus when the vehicle drove towards the bus stop. As Bhagyashree was helping her child to get inside the bus, she touched the bus which resulted in her electrocution.

Her condition is said to be critical while her child is out of danger.

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