Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday requesting him to allow Ukraine war dislocated Indian students to join local colleges who were studying in various medical colleges in Ukraine at different stages of their courses.
Over 20000 Indian students have been dislocated from Ukraine due to war and over 700 students from Telangana have left Ukraine to escape the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine.
“The above dislocation has jeopardised the future of these Indian students who have devoted considerable time and spent large sums of money in pursuing their medical education in Ukraine, which is now likely to remain incomplete,” he said in the letter.
“Considering the exceptional circumstances of these students, I would request that as a special case, to help them complete their education, they may be enabled to join medical colleges in the country in equivalent semesters in relaxation of the regulations in vogue. For this purpose, permission may also be accorded to proportionately increase the seats in different semesters in the medical colleges on one-time basis to accommodate these students,” KCR opined.
KCR also informed the Prime Minister of the Government of Telangana’s decision to bear the medical college fee of students belonging to the state that left Ukraine.