Mumbai: After her great run on Bigg Boss 16, Archana Gautam has gained national attention. The actress, who hails from Meerut, was one of the finalists of the Salman Khan-hosted controversial reality show. Archana appeared in Khatron Ke Khiladi 13 as well.
On social media, a really alarming video is making the rounds. Archana Gautam and her father are said to have been assaulted in front of the New Delhi office of the Congress party. They had reportedly travelled there to congratulate Priyanka Gandhi and Mallikarjun Kharge, the leaders of the Congress, on the passing of the Women’s Reservation Bill in the Lok Sabha.
They claim that the employees stopped them at the gate and then mistreated them. The videos, that are going viral on Twitter, have stunned her fans.
As she lashes out at the accused miscreants, we can see her father Gautam Buddha escorting her to the car. The actress and some ladies are seen having a verbal spat. She appears to have fought with the party’s female workers.
According to Archana Gautam, she should be treated better because she is well-known. Archana had previously mentioned her desire to serve the public as a lawmaker. She is now, however, concentrating more on her acting career.
Fans of Bigg Boss fame are waiting for clarification from party’s high brass regarding the incident.