In Bardoli town of Surat, Gujarat, the celebration of Ram Navami in front of the Minara Masjid has become a customary affair, often accompanied by hateful numbers playing on loudspeakers.
This year, the tradition persisted, drawing both criticism and support. Some question the appropriateness of celebrating Ram Navami in proximity to a mosque when there are ample temples in Gujarat, while others view it as a valid expression of religious fervour.
However, recent years have seen the Ram Navami festivities at the Minara Masjid turn turbulent, marked by communal clashes and outbreaks of violence. Law enforcement has had to intervene to maintain order amidst escalating tensions.
During these celebrations, there have been reports of Hindutva groups deliberately prolonging their processions in front of the Masjid, sometimes brandishing swords and playing provocative tracks like “Jab Mulle Katt jayee gee toh Ram Ram chailye ge,” inciting reactions from the crowds.
Despite the tensions and violence, the Ram Navami celebration in front of the Minara Masjid in Bardoli has continued year after year. The situation has become a source of concern for many in the community, who fear that the tensions could escalate further and lead to more serious consequences.