Chandigarh: In a setback to the INDIA bloc, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Saturday announced contesting on all 13 Lok Sabha seats in Punjab, besides one in Chandigarh, alone. Delhi Chief Minister and AAP convenor Arvind Kejriwal said this while adding that all candidates would be named in a fortnight.
“Two years back, you gave us blessings. You gave 92 out of 117 seats to us (in Assembly elections), you created history in Punjab,” he said at a public meeting in Punjab’s Khanna town amid the presence of Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann.
“I have come to you with folded hands, asking for one more blessing. Lok Sabha elections will be held in two months. For Lok Sabha elections, Punjab has 13 seats and one from Chandigarh — a total of 14 seats. In the next 10-15 days, AAP will declare its candidates in all of these 14 seats. You have to make AAP sweep all these 14 seats with a majority,” Kejriwal said without mincing words.
Earlier, Chief Minister Mann had said his party would contest on all 13 seats along with Chandigarh’s.
At the event, Mann slammed the Congress, saying the party had lost its ground in the state.