Hyderabad: Tollywood actor Mahesh Babu, one of the highest paid actors in down south, is currently making headlines for recently released Parasuram directorial Sarkaru Vaari Paata. The movie, which is garnering mixed response from both audience and critics, got released on May 12.
Similar to his previous blockbusters, Mahesh Babu has charged a huge amount for his work in this film. Scroll ahead to check the amount.
How much did Mahesh Babu earn from Sarkaru Vaari Paata?
Speaking to India Today, trade expert Ramesh Bala revealed that Mahesh Babu charges differently depending upon the project and gave an approximate number of around Rs 35-50 crore for Sarkaru Vaari Paata.
According to few other online reports, Mahesh is taking home a whopping Rs 70 crore from the film. Interestingly, he charged Rs 10 crore more than the film’s budget which was Rs 60 crore. There has been no confirmation on this report so far.
Actor’s Bollywood debut controversy
Recently, Mahesh Babu also found himself in troubled waters. During Adivi Sesh’s ‘Major’ trailer launch, Mahesh Babu was asked if his fans can expect a Bollywood debut soon to which he had responded, “I did get a lot of offers in Hindi, but I don’t think they can afford me. I don’t want to waste my time working in an industry which can’t afford me. The stardom and the respect I get here [in South] is huge, so I never really thought of leaving my industry and going to some other industry. I have always thought of doing films here and becoming bigger. My dream is coming true now and I can’t be happier.”
This statement resulted in a lot of backlash and had created an uproar among netizens. Later in a statement, Mahesh Babu clarified that he loves cinema and respects all languages.