MANUU awards PhD to Naseema, Usha

Hyderabad: Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) has declared Naseema Khatoon qualified for a Doctor of Philosophy in Women Studies.

She has worked on the topic “Impact of Cultural Practices on Muslim Community in Mau Dist. (UP) – A Gender Analysis” under the supervision of Dr. Parveen Qamar, Associate Professor, Department of Women Education, MANUU.

The viva voce was held on January 17.

Hyderabad Institute of Excellence

Meanwhile, MANUU has also declared Usha qualified in a Doctor of Philosophy in Hindi.

She has worked on the topic “Sushila Takbhoure ke Sahitya Mein Dalit Nari Chetna” under the supervision of Dr. G V Ratnakar, Associate Professor, Department of Hindi.

The viva voce was held on January 25.

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