Mumbai: Stand-up comedian Munawar Faruqui, who won the title of Bigg Boss 17 earlier this year, is once again in the spotlight for his personal life. His new dating rumours are going viral. After his public fallout with social media influencer Nazila Sitaishi and actress Ayesha Khan, Munawar is now making headlines with celebrity cosmetologist Dr Aashna Kanchwala.
Pictures of Munawar and Aashna together have surfaced online, including snapshots from their Eid celebration and a recent get-together bash.
Fans are speculating if Munawar has found love again, but some social media users clarified in the comments section of an Instagram video that Munawar and Aashna are just good friends.
Interestingly, these users tagged Aashna’s real boyfriend, Sanchit Vig, in the comments, indicating that Aashna is currently in a relationship with him.
On the professional front, Munawar Faruqui’s next project is the film ‘First Copy,’ written and directed by Farhan P Zamma.