New Delhi: The Delhi Police on Friday filed an action taken report (ATR) before a court here on a plea seeking an FIR against wrestlers for allegedly making “false allegations” against WFI president Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh and indulging in hate speech.
In the video provided by the complainant, the wrestlers are not seen raising slogans and no offence of hate speech is made out, the police said, while urging the court to dismiss the application.
The court listed the plea for further arguments on July 7.
The court had on May 25 sought an ATR from the police on the complaint.
The court was hearing an application filed on behalf of one Bam Bam Maharaj Nauhatiya, who claimed to be the national chief of ‘Atal Jan Party’, against wrestlers Vinesh Phogat, Bajrang Punia and Sakshi Malik.