Mumbai: Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Raghav Chadha recently paid a visit to Ujjain’s Mahakaleshwar temple to seek blessings for their upcoming wedding. Pictures and videos from the couple’s temple visit have surfaced on social media platforms, highlighting their spiritual journey.
According to reports, they took part in the recitation of the Rudra Sukta and Shanti Path by the temple’s Brahmins. Their genuine devotion and reverence could be seen in the photographs.
Unexpected social media trolling
While the couple received attention for their temple visit, they also received unexpected trolling from netizens. A video showing them wearing slippers inside the temple grounds sparked outrage. Despite their sincere intentions, online trolls were quick to criticize.
Raghav looked stunning in a traditional yellow dhoti and gamcha, while Parineeti looked stunning in a pink saree. Soon after the photos went viral, the couple’s fans began showering them with love, but there were a few who weren’t pleased.
Netizens began commenting on Parineeti and Raghav for wearing slippers inside the temple grounds. Check out comments below.
In a video posed by Viral Bhayani, a user called the couple “fake”.
“Chapal pehenke mandir kon jata hai Dhongi log(Who goes to a temple wearing slippers, fake people)”
Another user slammed the couple for taking cameras inside a place of worship.
Questioning why the rule of not being allowed to wear slippers inside a temple is not applicable to this couple, a user called the duo “shameless”.
“Wearing slippers inside temple premises is not allowed…then why this rule is not applicable to the shameless actress Parineeti Chopra and so called neta Raghav Chadha.”
Parineeti and Raghav’s love story is nearing a happy conclusion as they prepare to marry in September 2023, as per media reports. The couple’s May engagement was a private event attended by close friends and family in Delhi. The wedding is well underway, with a confirmed venue and a reported date of September 25 in Rajasthan, followed by a reception in Gurugram.
Despite the excitement surrounding their wedding, Parineeti and Raghav have remained tight-lipped, keeping the details of their big day a closely guarded secret.