Mumbai: In an unexpected turn that even surpasses the dramatic twists of the latest soap operas, it was revealed that Adil Khan Durrani, the husband of Rakhi Sawant, has taken the plunge again. You read it right! Adil, at the core of a long-time feud with Rakhi, has wedded none other than the Bigg Boss 12 candidate.
Adil and Rakhi Swath’s Feud
Adil Khan Durrani and Rakhi Sawant’s feud has been nothing short of sensational. Their case has seen unexpected twists and turns, leaving viewers bewildered. From Rakhi teaming up with Adil’s old friends to Adil joining forces with Sherlyn Chopra and Tanushree Dutta, the drama has been relentless.
Adil Durrani’s Wedding in Jaipur
But now, the spotlight shifts to Adil’s secret wedding. On March 2nd, in a completely hush-hush ceremony held in Jaipur, Adil exchanged vows with Somi Khan, the sister of fellow Bigg Boss 12 contestant Saba Khan. The Khan sisters, originally from Jaipur, have made their mark in Mumbai’s entertainment industry as actresses and have been part of various projects and music videos.
Adil and Somi chose to keep their union undisclosed, perhaps due to Adil’s frequent appearances in the news. When asked about his newlywed status, Adil’s close source revealed, “Adil got married to Somi Khan, Saba Khan’s sister. They didn’t wish to come out this soon.” The couple’s low-key approach contrasts sharply with the high-profile drama that surrounded their courtship
The Mysterious Beginnings
Details about how Adil and Somi met and decided to tie the knot remain scarce. However, there have been sightings of Adil partying with the Khan sisters, sparking curiosity among fans. While Dipika Kakar lifted the Bigg Boss 12 trophy, Somi and Deepak Thakur also made waves during their stint on the show. Despite rumors, Somi clarified that they were good friends and nothing more.
Rakhi’s Legal Battles
Meanwhile, Rakhi Sawant has been fighting her own legal battles. Recently, she secured interim protection from arrest in Adil’s case in the sessions court. Rakhi also filed for the bail cancellation of Adil in Andheri court. The court granted Adil a last chance to file his reply, warning that a non-bailable warrant could be issued if he failed to comply.