Mumbai: Superstar Salman Khan, who has been hosting Bigg Boss for over a decade now, is currently seen in Bigg Boss OTT 2. He made his way back to the sets of the reality show to school the contestants on their performances for the past week in the last Weekend Ka Vaar. However, he appeared to be smoking during one of the latest episodes and a pic of the same is going viral on social media.
Salman Khan’s pic with cigarette from Bigg Boss OTT 2
Salman Khan returned to the Bigg Boss OTT 2 stage for the Weekend Ka Vaar episode. The host who was dressed in a checkered shirt and slacks, emerged on stage carrying a cigarette. Take a look!
The video soon landed on the internet and several fans began reacting to it. Many felt that it was hypocritical of him to hold smoking during the episode just a week after he schooled Akanksha Puri and Jad Hadid about ‘upbringing, familial values and culture’ after they kissed on the show. Check it out!
Looks like Bigg Boss OTT Weekend Ka Vaar was filled with intense drama and controversy. Stay tuned to for more interesting scoops and updates on Bigg Boss OTT 2.