Hyderabad: The promotion for Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s upcoming film ‘Shaakuntalam’ has begun on a divine note. Samantha Ruth Prabhu is a well-known South Indian actor. In preparation for the movie’s April 14 release, Samantha traveled to Hyderabad’s Peddamma Talli temple with director Gunasekhar and co-star Dev Mohan. Samantha Ruth Prabhu looked absolutely stunning in a white printed suit.
In addition to expressing his excitement and gratitude for the upcoming project, Dev Mohan posted several images of the temple visit on Instagram.
Samantha portrays Shakuntala, the title character from the movie Shaakuntalam, who is Viswamithra and Menaka’s daughter. It is a retelling of one of India’s greatest epics and will be released in Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada. Gunasekhar produced and directed the movie. Originally scheduled for February, the movie’s release was later moved to April.
Following a hiatus from work due to her rare autoimmune condition, myositis, Samantha is back on the set of movies. Samantha visited the Kushi sets recently, where she will appear in her upcoming Telugu film, and was greeted with cake. She previously collaborated with Vijay Deverakonda on the film Mahanati, and he also appears in the movie.
Samantha expressed her admiration for Gunasekhar’s direction during a private screening of Shaakuntalam and the film’s emotional range. She praised the movie’s ability to convey strong feelings and to charmingly bring one of India’s greatest epics to life.
Samantha has set the stage for a thrilling and eagerly anticipated release with her visit to a divine temple and enthusiasm for Shaakuntalam. On April 14, the movie will finally be released, and fans can’t wait to see Samantha playing the adored Shakuntala.