Hyderabad: In a heartwarming gesture, actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu recently took to her Instagram stories to extend warm birthday wishes to her ex-brother-in-law, Akhil Akkineni. Despite her past marriage and divorce from Akkineni Naga Chaitanya, Samantha continues to maintain a close bond with Akhil and his family.
The post featured Akhil sitting comfortably on a couch, accompanied by an adorable pet dog. Samantha’s message read, “Happy Birthday @akkineniakhil. Wishing you a wonderful year. God bless.” This sweet and simple message shows how strong their bond is – it goes beyond just being family.
Samantha was previously in a relationship with Naga Chaitanya, who is Akhil’s brother. Although Samantha and Naga Chaitanya got married in 2017, they officially divorced in 2021. However, Samantha’s birthday message to Akhil shows that she still cares about her ex-husband’s family and has good feelings towards them.
This isn’t the first time Samantha has celebrated Akhil’s special day. Last year, she also sent him heartfelt wishes, reminding us that some bonds stay strong even when life doesn’t go as planned.
On the Professional front, Akhil Akkineni was last seen in the movie ‘Agent,’ which unfortunately did not perform well at the box office. Meanwhile, Samantha is set to make her comeback with the action film ‘Citadel-Honey Bunny,’ directed by Raj & DK and starring Varun Dhawan in the lead role.