New Delhi: Security forces on Wednesday undertook a massive anti-Naxal operation along the Chhattisgarh-Telangana border targeting some senior and most-wanted Maoist commanders, official sources said.
The operation that was launched along the inter-state borders of Sukma district in Chhattisgarh has been going on since noon, they said.
Multiple units of the Central Reserve Police Force, its jungle warfare commando unit CoBRA, Chhattisgarh Police and Greyhounds of the Telangana state police are engaged in the operation, they said.
The forces have been mobilised on the basis of some specific intelligence inputs and their target is the tri-junction of Chhattisgarh, Telangana and Odisha that is located right at the southern tip of Sukma district in south Bastar region, they said.
A top Naxal commander and his armed cadres are understood to have been engaged by the forces, officials said.
The forces are aided by helicopters, special forces commandos, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and global positioning data, sources told PTI.
A senior police officer said all the troops are safe and details will be shared once the operation concludes.