Structural issues, design delays caused Kaleshwaram cost escalation, says ex ENC

Former engineer-in-chief N Venkateswarlu deposed for the second day before Justice PC Ghose Commission of Inquiry into irregularities in KLIS

Hyderabad: Former engineer-in-chief N Venkateswarlu faced a barrage of questions for the second day on Friday, while deposing before the Justice PC Ghose commission of inquiry into the irregularities of Kaleshwaram project.

Venkateswarlu told the commission that structural issues in the construction of Medigadda, Annaram and Sundilla barrages part of the Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Scheme (KLIS) had emerged in 2019, when the principal secretary for irrigation and the chief ENC had conducted meetings to address those issues.

He disclosed that the cofferdam that was constructed was washed away in the floods in 2019, due to which they had the increase its height further, and that due to the design changes and delays in approving the new designs, coupled with changes in the works and additional work, the cost of the project got escalated.

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He also informed that when works were taken up under Pranahitha-Chevella lift irrigation scheme which later became KLIS, out of Rs 14,000 crore spent, Rs 750 crore worth works were rendered useless.

He told the commission that the approvals for the cost escalation was given by the then principal secretary and the special chief secretary of irrigation.

Due to local factors and land acquisition issues, he said that the works for construction of the barrages were delayed, and due to that delay, they had to give temporary orders for the construction works. He said that a substantial certificate was issued for Medigadda barrage and completion certificates were issued for the other two projects.

The commission expressed its anguish against the difference in the affidavit submitted by him and the explanation being given by him on the issue.

The commission observed that the officials had acted on someone else’s orders, and asked Venkateswarlu not to take the blame of someone else’s mistakes on himself.

Venkateswarlu requested the commission to allow him to submit more information on the questions raised by the commission on Monday, which the commission accepted.

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