Survey reveals 7 out of 10 Muslims face hate in workplaces in UK

The survey interviewed around 1,503 British Muslims between April 22 to May 10 and encompassed age, gender, ethnicity, and regional markers.

Seven out of 10 Muslims face anti-Muslim hate in their workplaces, says a new survey that was released on Tuesday. The survey has been commissioned by Hyphen, a new online publication that focuses on Muslim issues in the United Kingdom.

According to a news report by TRT, a large number of incidents related to anti-Muslim sentiments are visible while interacting with customers, clients, and other people (44%), at work-related events (42%), and during promotion time (40%). Unsurprisingly, Black Muslims have it tougher.

The survey interviewed around 1,503 British Muslims between April 22 to May 10 and encompassed age, gender, ethnicity, and regional markers.

Around 54% admit that there is still a long way to go when it comes down to their ability to afford a house and day-to-day expenses.

The survey also points out that 55% have better opportunities for leading a successful life in the UK as compared to other countries. Young Muslims have more role models to look up to.

In conclusion, if the report is anything to go by, the British government still needs to change a lot regarding lives related to Muslims.

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