Talks on reopening of Taiz roads concludes without agreement

Yemeni-Yemeni talks on opening the blocked roads of Taiz and elsewhere began on May 25 in Jordan's capital Amman, and are part of the UN-brokered truce that came into effect on April 2

Aden: Representatives from the Yemeni government and the Houthi militia concluded an initial round of discussions without reaching an agreement on opening roads around the besieged province of Taiz, said UN Special Envoy Hans Grundberg.

However, Grundberg described the results of the talks as “promising”, noting that a proposal for the phased re-opening of roads around Taiz, “including an implementation mechanism and guarantees for the safety of civilian travellers”, was drawn up based on the three-day discussions, reports Xinhua news agency.

The Yemeni-Yemeni talks on opening the blocked roads of Taiz and elsewhere began on May 25 in Jordan’s capital Amman, and are part of the UN-brokered truce that came into effect on April 2.

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“I now call on the parties to conclude their internal deliberations urgently and deliver positive results to the Yemeni people,” said Grundberg.

“Lifting restrictions on the freedom of movement of people and goods will not only have a positive impact on alleviating the suffering of the Yemeni people and reviving the economy but will also help cultivate confidence in the political process,” said the UN envoy.

The Yemeni government forces, backed by the Saudi-led coalition, have been locked in clashes with the Iran-allied Houthi military in the north, east, and west of Taiz since April 2015.

Yemen has been mired in a civil war since late 2014, when Houthis overran much of the country and seized all northern provinces, including the capital Sanaa.

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