Hyderabad: Police arrested a 60-year-old daily labourer on Tuesday, September 18, for allegedly killing his friend’s wife to death in Rangareddy district, after allegedly attempting to rape her, four days earlier.
The accused has been identified as K Babu Rao, who lived in a rented house at Kothur and worked as a daily labourers along with the victim’s husband.
According to reports, the accused, who had become familiar with the woman through work, took advantage of the absence of her husband, who had gone to his native place a few days earlier. On Friday, the accused visited her home, forced her to consume alcohol, and attempted to rape her. When she resisted, he strangled her to death and then fled the scene.
Police have taken the accused into custody during the investigation, and he has confessed to the crime during questioning. A case has been registered, and Rao is now under judicial custody.
Further investigation is ongoing.