Hyderabad: In an unexpected turn of events, Telangana chief minister A Revanth Reddy took a dig at the Tamil Nadu minister and DMK leader Udhayanidhi Stalin’s controversial remarks regarding Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism), stating that “he should be punished.”
During an interview with Times Now, Revanth responded to the appropriateness of the DMK leader’s remarks on Sanatana by asserting that it was “absolutely wrong of him to say it. Who says it is right? It is his mindset.”
In 2023, Stalin stirred controversy by calling for the eradication of Sanatana Dharma” and stating that it should be eradicated “just like dengue, mosquitoes, malaria, or coronavirus need to be eradicated.”
The remarks had put the INDIA bloc in a predicament, with several opposition leaders distancing themselves and their parties from Stalin’s remarks.
Revanth further noted that individuals like Stalin should be held accountable for such statements.
“As Telangana Congress President and chief minister of the state, I am telling you his statement on Sanatana dharma was wrong, and he should be held accountable for that, and appropriate action must be taken against him,” he said in the interview.
The Telangana CM stressed the principle of “unity in diversity” and said that it was necessary to respect religious sentiments and uphold all faiths without causing harm.