Hyderabad: Two individuals were arrested on Sunday, September 15 for allegedly setting a Ganesh pandal on fire on Saturday in Siddipet’s Dasarlapally village. The incident occurred the previous night.
The incident caused chaos as people rushed to the scene to find the Ganesh pandal which was engulfed in flames. Despite their efforts to douse the fire a significant portion of the pandal and the idol was destroyed.
Following a complaint, police arrived at the village and initiated an investigation. Two persons have been taken into custody.
Another tragedy occurred on September 9 in Nizamabad district where a 16-year-old boy Bhukya Sanjeev, died of electrocution near a Ganesh pandal.
The deceased was helping pack up, the incident occurred when he was carrying the sound system and suffered a shock. He was rushed to a hospital in Kamareddy, where he was declared dead on arrival.