Hyderabad: Following their enchanting engagement, the focus now shifts to Tollywood couple Varun Tej and Lavanya Tripathi’s wedding destination. The internet is rife with speculation that the couple has chosen Italy as the picturesque backdrop for their weddings. If the rumours are true, the soon-to-be-married couple will exchange vows in the romantic and beautiful city of Italy.
Rumours of a destination wedding in Italy have piqued the interest of fans and well-wishers alike. As they imagine the couple’s special day against the backdrop of Italy’s breathtaking landscapes, timeless architecture, and romantic charm. From historic cities to the scenic countryside side, Italy has plenty of stunning wedding venues. Relevant to mention here that Bollywood’s IT couples Deepika Padukone-Ranveer Singh and Virat Kohli-Anushka Sharma too got married in Italy.
As speculation about Varun Tej and Lavanya Tripathi’s wedding plans grows, fans await official confirmation from the couple. Until then, the allure of an Italian wedding holds attention, painting a vivid picture of a fairy-tale celebration that promises to be nothing short of extraordinary for the Konidela family.
The couple got engaged on June 9th in Hyderabad in the presence of friends and family.