Hyderabad: Responding to allegations made earlier this week by Telangana BC welfare minister Ponnam Prabhakar that BJP state president was protecting former CM KCR, Kishan asked: “Why is Telangana chief minister is not using his power to write to Centre for CBI inquiry into Kaleshwaram project.”
The BJP state president and Union minister for tourism G Kishan Reddy said, “They want to prove that BJP has a stake in Kaleswaram project. Every son of Telangana knows how Revanth Reddy earned his income. I make good enough money. Revanth Reddy makes good enough money too. We shall both be probed by CBI.”
Speaking about Telangana’s “open arm” welcome for Pharma City, he accused CM Revanth Reddy of changing his stance due to pressure from pharma companies. He said, “The chief minister of Telangana has surrendered to the lobby of the pharma companies.”
Reddy also touched upon the state government’s schemes and criticised the implementation of Abhaya Hastam. “The six guarantees are only valid till the commencement of parliamentary elections,” Kishan Reddy said.
Streaming of Ayodha temple inauguration
Telangana BJP chief also announced plans to install LED screens in all temples across the state for the upcoming Prana Pratishtha programme of Ayodhya Ram. “There will be special programmes starting from Sankranti, and all temples in the state will be equipped with LED screens for the live telecast of the inauguration programme,” Kishan said.