Will the chief minister be the VC of Universities in Telangana?

Hyderabad: After West Bengal, the Telangana chief minister is likely to be the vice-chancellor of state universities in Telangana. An amendment is likely to be made in the Act to make the state chief minister vice-chancellor of the universities in the state 

 The government of West Bengal passed a law to make the state chief minister as vice-chancellor of the State’s universities. In Tamilnadu too, the chief minister is the vice-chancellor of the universities.

A draft bill has been prepared to amend the universities act. The Telangana government decided to act according to the new rule for filling up the universities’ vacant posts.  However, it is not possible to fill up these posts under the current laws. 

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The officials have prepared a drought bill and sent it to the chief minister for approval.  It is decided to hold a common entrance test for filling up the university vacant posts and for this purpose a joint board has been set up. 

However, it is not possible to implement the new rule as under the current laws the universities’ selection committee is appointing professors, lecturers and assistant lecturers.

The draft bill has been reviewed by the officials and CM approval is expected. But there is no likelihood of holding the Assembly session for passing the bill.

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Similarly, there is no chance of the bill being implemented through an ordinance as in such a case it has to be sent to the Governor for approval. And in view of the schism between the chief minister and governor, the bill is not likely to be approved easily by the Governor.

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