Hyderabad: Allu Arjun, the renowned actor in Telugu movies, is heading towards the Berlin Film Festival for a special screening of his blockbuster movie ‘Pushpa: The Rise’ which was released in 2021. This appearance at one of the world’s most prestigious film festival shows is not just the movie’s international acclaim but also Bunny’s growing global footprint as an actor.
Recently, the icon star was spotted at the airport, setting off for Berlin. Allu Arjun, known for his impeccable style and the ability to turn heads with his fashion choices, did not disappoint. He was seen wearing a Burberry monogram motif applique cotton sweatshirt which cost about approximately Rs. 28,000.
He clearly enjoys both luxury and comfort, as can be seen from the way he presents himself all the time whenever he attends any film award function or pre-release events.
Allu Arjun At Berlin Film Festival
At the global event, Allu Arjun will be seen having a conversation with international filmmakers, producers, and market buyers during his visit. Also, he will interact with the international press alongside the screening.