Hyderabad: The Department for the Empowerment of Disability, senior citizens, and transgender persons of Telangana state are inviting applications from eligible NGOs/CBOs (Non-Government Organisations/ Community Based Organisations) for the establishment and maintenance of state shelter homes for transgenders in Hyderabad.
The initiative is to cater to the primary needs of providing shelter to transgenders in Hyderabad, who face social, psychological, and economic constraints, with basic amenities like food, medical care, and recreational facilities.
Besides this, providing support for capacity-building/skill development of transgenders, liaison to provide legal care, and psychological counselling to enable them to take baby steps for their integration into their families and society as a whole.
The NGOs/CBOs expressing interest with sound experience of working with the community and well-versed with the unique challenges faced by transgenders can apply. The organization shall improve their living conditions by providing a positive environment for their holistic development.
Interested parties may download the applications from the department’s website here.
The filled application with hard copies of relevant documents need to be enclosed and submitted in the office of the director, department for empowerment of disability, senior citizens, and transgender persons, Malakpet, Nalgonda X Roads, Hyderabad, by January 27, 2025.
For more queries, contact 040-24559048 during office hours.
44 transgenders recruited as traffic police assistants
Forty-four transgenders in Hyderabad were recruited as traffic assistants on December 4 following an order issued by Telangana chief minister A Revanth Reddy. This includes 29 transgender women and 15 transgender men.
The initiative aims to offer formal recognition to the transgender community by employing them in government jobs.
Eligibility criteria for jobs for transgenders
To qualify for jobs in the Hyderabad police department, applicants were required to be at least 18 years old and below 40, an Indian citizen, and have passed at least the SSC examination. They must also possess a personal identity card issued by the concerned district magistrate.
An individual also has to be a resident of the Hyderabad commissionerate limits to be recruited for the posts. Physical standards for transgender women included a minimum height of 165 cm (160 cm for ST candidates).