Vijayawada: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy on Monday said his government’s Guaranteed Pension Scheme (GPS), replacing the old Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS), will emerge as a role model for other states in the country.
He made these remarks at the 21st state council meeting of the AP Non-Gazetted Officers (APNGOs) association at the Indira Gandhi Municipal Stadium in Vijayawada.
“We’ve initiated steps to transition from the long-debated Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS) to the Guaranteed Pension Scheme (GPS) after an exhaustive 18-month study. This move is not only in favour of our dedicated employees but is also anticipated to set a precedent nationally,” said Reddy addressing the employees.
Under the GPS scheme, eligible employees will receive 50 per cent of their last drawn salary as pension, including receiving dearness relief (DR) on the lines of the Central government declaring dearness allowance and DR twice a year.
Further, the Chief Minister announced that one pending dearness allowance (DA) and one instalment arrears would be paid in the run-up to Dasara festival while women working in the medical and health department would receive five days casual leave.
Appreciating the employees, the Chief Minister noted that the government takes the policy decisions but they are the bridge between the administrative system and the common people, promising the administration’s commitment to their well-being.
Comparing the incumbent YSRCP government to the erstwhile TDP regime, Reddy said the opposition party shut down public sector units (PSUs) such as Nizam Sugar Factory, Chittoor Dairy and others whereas the ruling dispensation has given employment to more than two lakh people in the past four years.
He observed that the new recruitments were done to strengthen the welfare delivery system and highlighted that the services of 53,000 AP State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) employees were regularised.
As a result, Reddy said the monthly salary bill of the state government went up to Rs 3,300 crore and pointed to several other initiatives he brought in for employees in the past four years.