Hyderabad: 966 pouches of Chinese Manja seized, 65 booked

The action comes following the direction of Rachakonda commissioner of police, DS Chouhan after a six-year-old girl was badly injured as her throat was slit by a Chinese Manja on Nagole Flyover on Friday.

Hyderabad: In a special drive against shops that illegally sold Chinese Manja, the Rachakonda police booked 57 cases against 65 persons. 843 bobbins and 966 pouches of the Manja (more than 25000 meters) were also seized.

Cases were booked under sections 188 (tends to cause danger to human life) and 336 (act endangering life or personal safety of others) under the Indian Penal Code (IPC).

The action comes following the direction of Rachakonda commissioner of police DS Chouhan to take action, after a six-year-old girl’s throat was slit by a Chinese Manja on the Nagole Flyover last week.

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The girl was rushed to the Rainbow hospital where she underwent neck surgery and is reportedly said to be recovering.

A case under section 308 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC 308-attempt to commit culpable homicide) was then booked and an investigation is underway.

Taking serious cognizance of the issue, Chauhan instructed his team of officials to ensure the total disappearance of Chinese Manja from the kite-selling shops.

The commissioner warned kite sellers that they would be held responsible if anyone gets injured further.

Chinese Manja, which has a glass-coated string, is often blamed for several deaths and serious injuries to those travelling on two-wheelers who get caught accidentally in it.

It is not just humans that are susceptible to injuries from the broken strings that are left behind but also birds that either get killed or have their wings and legs chopped in some cases after getting entangled in Chinese manja.

In 2017, the National Green Tribunal (NGT) imposed a complete ban on the production, storage, and sale of Chinese Manja as it is not only a threat to birds and humans but also causes harm to the environment.

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