Hyderabad: Cybercriminals posing as charities to park fraud money in victims’ accounts

After gaining details from victims, the fraudsters transfer money gained through fraud to their bank accounts.

Hyderabad: In a new kind of scam, cyber fraudsters are targeting people to seek donations using names of Hyderabad-based organisations who claim to do philanthropy work. The scamsters are using banks of unsuspecting victims to transfer money acquired through fraud by taking the names of individuals or organisations that to charity.

In the new form of online scams , people have started getting calls from some strangers over whatsapp who are ‘promising’ to help the families in distress by providing financial assistance.

Many people in Hyderabad have in fact even received calls from a phone number beginning with “92” which is the Pakistan ISD code. The caller or scamster enquires with victims if they need any help.

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When the answer is affirmative, the fraudster then enquires about the amount and assures to send it shortly in a bank account. The caller then ask the people to send their bank account details, IFSC Code and photograph of the person on WhatsApp. Officials from the Telangana Cyber Security Bureau in Hyderabad said that they use details to trick and instill fear in victims under this scam.

After gaining receipt of details from victims, the fraudsters transfer money gained through fraud to their bank accounts. After this information was passed on to the Cyber Crime police in Hyderabad, cops said the fraudsters are devising new ways to cheat people and collect their bank account information so that they have a place to park their illegally obtained money.

“The bank account details will be used to cheat some other people in big frauds. The fraudsters will transfer an amount and then use it to transfer it to some other account. The photographs of victims is collected to keep them under fear if they fail to transfer the amount,” said an official from Telangana Cyber Security Bureau.

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