Hyderabad: In an attempt to address impending monsoon challenges, Hyderabad mayor Gadwal Vijayalakshmi conducted a review meeting on Tuesday, July 16 at GHMC headquarters. During the meeting importance of the construction of community halls, CC road works, and the maintenance of street lights and sanitation facilities in Borabanda were also discussed.
The meeting, attended by representatives from various departments, including the electrical, water works, entomology, town planning, and sanitation sectors, focused on addressing the imminent challenges facing the Serilingampally zone, Yusuf Guda circle, and Borabanda division.
During the meeting, Mayor Gadwal Vijayalakshmi directed the electricity department to secure all transformers with fencing and enhance street lighting in identified dark spots to mitigate risks during the monsoon period.
She emphasized the installation of CCTV cameras in suspected areas in collaboration with the police department to curb illegal activities. Stressing the need for prevention of water pollution, she urged residents to conserve water resources diligently.
Furthermore, She called for coordinated action among officials to prioritize pending road works and ensure regular de-silting processes to prevent waterlogging during rains
Additionally, the Deputy Commissioner (DC) was instructed to provide detailed reports on sanctioned and pending projects, facilitating a strategic approach to infrastructural enhancements in Borabanda.